I've been drawing and sketching as long as I can remember, and it's remained one of my greatest passions. A lot of my work is inspired by fantasy and sci-fi art, especially when it connects with solarpunk ideals and media. As narrative and storytelling is a professional focus of mine, I try to imbue this into my works to tell stories and suggest connection between elements to hint at a larger story behind the artwork and engage the audience beyond just visual appeal. I aim to use composition, geometry, colour, and a sense of motion or action to give a unique feel or tone to each piece. I can work in a variety of styles and can maintain a high degree of consistency across the pieces, as I have done in several projects before.
Many of the illustrations here are concept art for the first official setting for EGADS! that I’m currently developing under the working title Grow Forth! It will be a solarpunk setting set some years after the collapse of an imperial power, as communities band together to face the social and environmental crises left behind at the hands of the empire. Some of these are still works in progress, and you can see updates on these works as I post them on Bluesky.
More to come soon! This site is still under construction, thank you for your patience.